One night early in our marriage Honey and I ended up on the Fast Food Merry-go-round. What’s that you ask? Well, it’s not a ride in an amusement park, and I was anything but amused. It was late and we hadn’t had dinner. We pulled off the freeway to grab a quick bite to eat. The area had 4 or 5 fast food choices from tacos and burgers to fish and chips. Now, those that know me well, know I rarely am without an opinion. This night however I was tired and it did not matter where we ate. Honey asked. “Where would you like to go?” My quick response, “ I don’t care.” And I didn’t. He patiently waiting for my personality to show through and be decisive.
About the same time as the F. F. Merry-go-round, I read the book ‘Your Personality Tree’. It was eye opening. Up until this book I held a strong belief that everyone thought like I did. Boy was I wrong. I was surprised to realize temperament, family, life experience all play a big part in our response to life.
Honey, however, thought he had me figured out. Unfortunately he had not factored in the hangry variable. He asked again, I gave him the same answer. By the 3rd query I was agitated and still did not have a choice for him. The tension in the car started to rise. Honey, always quick with humor, started driving around the perimeter of the strip mall in a big circle. By the second lap around the parking lot I asked him what he doing. His reply? “Just waiting to get off the Fast Food Merry-go-round.”
By the 3rd lap I was laughing.
There is a lot of research on personalities and a slew of online tests to help you determine yours. The older I get more experience I gain, the more I don’t want to live in an echo chamber and have my thoughts always mirrored by those around me. Where’s the fun in that? The Personality Tree was a starting point for me discover the uniqueness we all possess.
I have never been back on that ride. Thank goodness, ‘cause I was getting a little dizzy.

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