Is it too late to get in the game? A few of the successful bloggers I read are slowing down or even shutting down their blogs and I’m just getting to the starting line. I began bookmarking and regularly reading blogs just a few years ago when I was googling how to paint out window trim. Young House Love showed me the way with a list of tools, videos and comprehensive text. Their blog inspired me to take on switching out electrical outlets, painting cabinets, convincing Honey that we could do a relatively inexpensive kitchen update. (We did spend close to double my initial budget proposal, though I contribute the increase Honey’s fault at insisting we spend more on appliances and buy granite counter tops. Or, do I own it since I took him with me to Lowe’s to look at refrigerators and formica in the first place?)
Anyway, have you ever told yourself ‘I’m too old, it’s too late’? I’m no bible scholar, but even I know that Moses was an old man when he parted the Red Sea. That’s a pretty significant accomplishment after living in the desert for 40 years. I bet that wasn’t even on his bucket list.
This blog wasn’t on my bucket list. I decided one day that I had something to say and I thought some of you might be interested. Thank you to all who have given me positive feedback. It was way more work than I expected and It’s still kind of scary hitting publish each time I write a new post. Stretching ourselves, trying something new, can be scary.
Maya Angelou said, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
Your next start happens when you blow the whistle. No matter your age, your past, you have a story yet to be told. Your future looks bright because it can be anything you choose. It’s never too late to get in the game.
It was a great weekend to be a Seattle sports fan. All of our local teams brought home a win. Honey and I have spent years (and a lot of our entertainment dollars) going to football games, soccer matches and the occasional baseball game. One huge benefit living close to a major city; any weekend you can generally find professional sports, musicals, live music, plays, great new restaurants to try.
A few years ago, when the Seahawks became serious NFL contenders, the energy in the Seattle area was contagious. Pop up vendors starting selling Seahawks gear at the gas stations. 12 man flags starting flying from office buildings, houses and cars. Local businesses strung blue and green lights around their buildings. Though most of the talk was about the most recent win, some long time fans became disgruntled. They complained that you were merely a fair weather fan if you hadn’t cheered on the Hawks through the losing seasons.
I admit, sometimes I’m that fan. I like to see winners win. Some seasons it gets old watching your team lose game after game. So this week I am celebrating the wins of the weekend and I am going to ride the Seattle sports high. Go Dawgs! Go Hawks! Go Sounders!