I was watching a live webinar yesterday. As the attendees were logging in, the facilitator mentioned his location and asked us to use the chat box to say where we were from. The sun had set earlier for he and the co-host as they were on the East side of the US, 3 hours ahead of my time zone. As I typed that is was 5pm and sunny, clear blue skies in Seattle, I appreciated the extra moments of daylight being added to the clock each day. After the dark days of winter, I feel like I have been given a gift of more time even though each day still has the same 24 hours.
Internet Creatives
My daily life has become so connected to the web. It is amazing to think that hundreds of us attended an Instagram training simply by clicking on an email link. Through out the hour training, the hosts asked us participating to give a topic response in the chat box. It was odd and exciting all at once, like being in the room together, to watch the chat box scroll at rapid pace through our brief, real-time comments. It made me really appreciate the amazing, creative people in the US and what they are sharing for free with all of us.

It would hardly be a ‘what I’m loving’ post’ if it didn’t include some sort DYI tool. Now that we have updated the paint, trim, doors, countertops of our house, I have fresh eyes to see that the furniture could use a little refresh, too. Many years ago I custom ordered a coffee and end table for our family room. I picked the wood, the style of the legs, paint colors. I even picked how much the pieces would be distressed. At the time, my Mom was opened mouth wordless at the thought of sanding away fresh paint and making something brand new look old on purpose. As a side note she never did get my taste in decorating. She wailed, NOOOO! as I told her I was going to paint the large oak dresser in my bedroom.
Here’s the tool I am loving: this book, The Nesting Place: It doesn’t have to be perfect to be Beautiful. Myquillion Smith’s beautiful book has encouraged me to paint it anyway. Its like a new voice in my head covering up the old, saying, “Since you don’t love it, who cares if you ruin it by painting it?”

For the record, everything I was scared to paint has turned out great. Even the fireplace bricks, right Honey? (Honey never mentioned he didn’t like painted bricks until after I had painted them…oops…now there’s a lesson in communication.) I’ll let you know on the bedroom dresser: my Mom’s screech temporarily paralyzed me from action but it is still on the list.
PS.-The Nester’s book is on sale at Amazon right now. For you digital readers I would recommend the hardcover book as the pictures are fabulous. Click here for the link
Full Disclosure: I have finally figured out how to become an affiliate Amazon partner. If you buy the book from the above link, I think I might actually get paid a very small commission.