We have had amazing weather this last year in the Pacific Northwest. I have joked that if our blue skies and warm days are a result of global warming, then bring it on. I swear this afternoon my bedroom felt brighter and lighter than yesterday and the day before that. It might have something to do with this being the first winter with our new white doors and window frames all through the house. It was so worth the effort. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I spent hours, days and weeks with a paint brush in my hand. I think I might have to write a how-to on my efforts as I am sure I am not the only one that has a home full of contractor 90’s golden oak.
Back to global warming. Well, not exactly. I know I am ignorant on this topic. I recently read an article on Leonardo DiCaprio. Now there’s a face that can talk about our planet and I might listen. Or at least watch. Especially if he shaves off that Revenant beard. He mentioned in the article that in between filming scenes he would sit around and chew his facial hair. Gross. Anyway, after reading about his passion to eliminate the use of fossil fuels I looked out my window and was again grateful for the blue peaking through the clouds.
I love this planet, too. I hope to see more of it in the coming years. I recycle all I can so I contribute less to the landfills. I use compost bought from the local company who recycles our yard waste. I have even bought ladybugs and red worms to cut back on the chemicals used in my yard.
Admittedly, these are small contributions. Even though I have a water filter and even though I make every effort to recycle the bottles, I still buy cases of water and some end up in the garbage. I have thrown old underwear in the trash. (It’s embarrassing to think about the workers at Goodwill pulling them out of the bag. And who wants them?) Even though I pull cans & bottles out of the trash after a party, I leave behind the used paper plates and napkins.
Here’s the thing. We got rid of the trash compactor in the kitchen update because we just didn’t need it. What was once the size of the garbage can is now the size of the recycle bin. Probably at your house, too. That feels good. All the little efforts we make add up. Let’s celebrate that and leave the planet saving to Leo.
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