More and more I appreciate the women in my life. I have childhood friends who know my whole story: you know, even those bits you mostly never talk about but still affect who you are. I still have a connection with my college roommate that to this day I cherish. And then there is the mom friend I met at a school parent meeting. This was a friendship built over many volunteer hours.
I have developed great relationships in my neighborhood over bunco dice and shared walks through our local streets. One girlfriend I met during our years building an Amway business and today we share a common interest of helping people get fit. Amazing co-workers have come into my life, and stayed after the work was done. Connections have developed from the classes I have taught. And the women in my family: daughter, sister-in-laws, cousins, mother-in-law, have become lifelong confidants.
So Many Amazing Women.
A close friend can be a listening ear, hearing a long story, with detail after detail because sometimes you. just. have. to. say. it. all. A friend can provide a good laugh. A friend can nudge a shift in perspective and encourage looking beyond your own thoughts or beliefs. Having a chance to hang out with fabulous women and hearing what they have to say can really be a positive, enriching experience.
Don’t be afraid to say yes to someone new in your life. It is worth it to share you life with a great group of women, large or small. Even if they don’t all know each other. Even if they all know each other.
Thank you girlfriends, old and new. You lift me up.
And then I just realized I am getting a little sappy and might have just quoted a line from this:
♫ Celine Dion ► Because you Loved me ♫
I’ll stop typing now before we end up with a link to Bette Midler, too. Because referencing my friends being my wind might get a little weird.