1~ Did you know you can freeze watermelon? Well, I was watching a cooking show where the host was freezing watermelon balls then whirring them up in a blender to make some sort of delicious cocktail. Then a few days later, I knew I would not be able to eat all the watermelon I had cut up for family dinner. Since I usually freeze leftover fruit, I tossed the chunks into the freezer container to add to my breakfast smoothie. It’s delicious.
2~Do you hall sprinklers from one part of your lawn to the other? Ever leave one running all night because you missed hearing your timer ring? (#metoo! pretty sure this not how this hashtag was meant to be used, going rebel and doing it anyway) 10+ years later, I am still so happy when I hear water rush into the pipes and the yard sprinklers come on. It was worth every penny to have them installed.
3~ Need a summer idea? When the heat gets to much you can always head to the city park with your bag of rollers. I guess this is what Montana locals do as Honey and I witnessed first hand a woman sitting in her beachside lawn chair rolling up her hair in color coated curlers.

4~ Need a laugh out loud movie? Don’t miss a chance to see the movie Book Club while it is in theaters. If your over 40 I think you’ll find it funny. If your over 50 I think you might laugh out loud. Take a friend too, because giggling in a movie theater is way more fun when you are next to a girlfriend.
5~ Do you every rush through one thing so you can get to the next thing sooner? For this summer, I am going to try and be right here, right now so I can savor every last warm night, every delicious Rainer cherry, every giggle, every laugh, every pink sky.
Because, summer. Hello Seattle, you shine brightest during the summertime.