When I was young my mom made most all of my clothes. If not, they usually came from the Goodwill. From about age 7, I begged her to teach me how to sew. I really wanted to learn how to run that sewing machine. She was so good at it, yet she always said she wasn’t; that it was her mom that was the real seamstress.

So, yep, I can sew. Nope, I don’t make any of my own clothes. I used to, before fabric became more expensive than ready-made. Now I only dust off my sewing machine (a high school graduation gift) to hem a pair of pants or make a quick alteration. The last large sewing project was making a slipcover for a chair. Before that, I made matching clothes for my daughter and her dolls.

I’ve always loved the hand sewing part of finishing a project. For a while I wanted to be a quilter. I was inspired by some amazing quilts made by my Aunt Marni. I bought a few basic supplies like a cutting wheel and quilting square, but never did make a quilt. Now, years later, as I am donating those items, I realize I was fantasizing about being an awesome quilt maker. I really never wanted to go to all the work required to make that quilt happen, I just wanted the beautiful quilt.
So how about you? Do have a fantasy of who you want to be; yet reality is you haven’t put in the work? Are you ok with letting it go?
No quilt guilt for me.