My first airplane flight was for my 21st birthday. Dad was firm that I needed to spend that May date with brother Scotty who was living in Las Vegas at the time. As a truck driver, my dad bought a motorhome and we drove EVERYWHERE for vacation. Anybody that knew my dad knew this was a strong position for him to take in the Burgess household. He was convicted that I was going to win big on the quarter slots.

Thinking about that very first plane ride makes me speculate: have you ever wondered what you might tell your younger self if you could offer a little advice? As a college student, I was convinced that there was no way I could spend a semester abroad. I was minoring in French, all my classmates by my senior year had spent time there and I KNEW I was at a disadvantage having never been to France.
In 1984 the slot machines in Vegas were manual. You actually put the quarter in the slot, grabbed the big silver ball at the top of the handle and pulled. When you won, all around knew you won as hundreds (hopefully) of coins plinked loudly into the metal tray.

Go, now, risk. That’s what I would say to that 20-year-old woman. My today self knows that woman could have absolutely made studying abroad transpire.
I would tell her to figure it out, make it happen, seek help and advice.
Courage. Yes.